What is a CDP, and How Can it Help Your Business?

July 26th, 2019

Customer data is the foundation of business today. Most companies have a heap of this data, gathered from various sources — but no effective way to unify it and use it for revenue generation. With so many marketing tools claiming to be the solution, what does the emerging customer data platform (CDP) offer that other alternatives don’t?

User survey provides insights on CDP value

What is a CDP, and how can it help your business?The recent report “Understanding CDP Users: CDP Institute Member Survey 2019” helps answer these questions and more. The bottom line? CDPs help marketers make a big impact in their business.

Here are the key takeaways from the survey:

  • Disconnected data is the biggest pain point. Nearly two-thirds of business-to-consumer (B2C) marketers say working with disconnected data systems is their primary pain point. Without a way to unify customer data, marketers struggle to get meaningful insight and analysis, which can lead to missed opportunities, poor customer engagement and delayed decision-making.
  • CDPs bring customer data together. When it comes to your customers, knowledge is power — and for 86% of respondents, the top benefit of a CDP is its ability to create a unified customer view. Marketing to your best customers, and others like them, in ways that increase their loyalty is many times more effective than trying to acquire new customers. A CDP allows you to treat different customers in different ways, so you can maximize their long-term value.
  • Simply superior marketing technology. Companies using a CDP report higher satisfaction with their marketing technology (martech) than companies without a CDP. In fact, the report notes that using a CDP is a sign of martech maturity. A CDP ties all other martech systems together, providing a central dashboard and putting direct-to-consumer marketers in the driver’s seat. This makes marketing efforts more efficient and effective, helping to increase sales.

In short: These platforms are invaluable for B2C organizations. Ascent360 was one of the first (and only) companies to build a true CDP for mid-market companies, accelerating sales by creating a single source of truth. What’s more, we also provide guidance so B2C marketers know what to do with the information.

Working together with companies, we develop successful revenue-generating campaigns that increase customer engagement and maximize lifetime value. But don’t just take our word for it: The platform’s revenue-attribution functionality will show you where each dollar comes from. At Ascent360, we ensure our clients realize both immediate returns and sustained value year after year.

Let us introduce you to the power of your data. Contact us at hello@ascent360.com, and we’ll get your company where it belongs: at the top!

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