Personalization is More Than Just Greeting Your Guest By Name at Check-In
Your guests know their contact details live in your systems, along with plenty of other information about them. They’re not overly impressed when the desk clerk repeats their name or compliments them on their loyalty status. Most consider it a normal operating procedure. Some see it as a violation of their privacy.
This doesn’t mean your guests don’t care about being treated as individuals. Quite the contrary — research shows that hospitality guests are more satisfied when they receive a personalized treatment and they’re willing to spend more with companies that deliver it.
The trick is to go beyond personalized messaging to deliver an all-encompassing elevated experience that adds true value to your guest’s stay, from long before they book to long after they leave. In this guide, you will discover how to take the guesswork out of hospitality marketing and create a seamless guest experience with the help of a Customer Data Platform (CDP).