In these challenging times, it’s more important than ever to send the right message to your customers. But if you’re a busy marketer short on time, you may resort to sending the same bulk email to everyone in your database. And customers can see through this; generic messages give them “email fatigue,” causing many to tune out.
Through our Flash360 solution, Ascent360 partners with companies like yours to segment and engage with customers and prospects — and drive revenue in a flash. In as little as 30 days and five hours of time, our proven, automated campaigns help you reach customers as individuals, identifying high-value customers and sending personalized offers at just the right time.
After identifying these customers, you need to capture their attention. Email templates are a great way to customize messaging to each customer segment while saving time and effort. To help you get started, we created this guide to effective email marketing templates, which includes best practices and sample templates you can start using today.
Of course, templates are just one piece of the puzzle; to learn how Flash360 can help you segment easier, engage smarter and succeed faster, contact us for a demo today. In the meantime, here’s everything you need to know about using templates for effective email marketing.